作者 Author | 年份 Year | 篇名 Title | 期刊資訊 Journal Information |
Chun-Tung Kuo ,Ruoh-Rong Yu | 2024 | Association of National Identity and Trust in Government with COVID-19 Vaccination and Brand Choice in Taiwan | Kuo, C.-T., & Yu, R.-R. (2024). Association of National Identity and Trust in Government with COVID-19 Vaccination and Brand Choice in Taiwan. Journal of Community Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10900-024-01347-4 |
Xinheng Li | 2024 | Living distance and women’s labor force participation: evidence from China | Li, X. (2024). Living distance and women’s labor force participation: evidence from China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1080/13547860.2024.2330153 |
Hui-Hsuan Tang ,Lan-Ting Huang | 2024 | Parental Subjective Well-Being, Gender Preference, and Parity Progression in Taiwan | Hui-Hsuan Tang(湯蕙瑄) & Lan-Ting Huang(黃蘭婷). (2024). Parental Subjective Well-Being, Gender Preference, and Parity Progression in Taiwan. 經濟研究, 60(1), 111–136. |
Yen, H.Y. ,Lin, G.H. ,Huang, H.Y. | 2024 | Leisure Participation for Mental Health Promotion in Later Life: A Six-Year Longitudinal Study | Yen, H.Y., Lin, G.H., & Huang, H.Y.(2024), Leisure Participation for Mental Health Promotion in Later Life: A Six-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 43(6):650-656. https://doi.org/10.1177/07334648231223299 |
Hung, Y. J. ,Wu, K. C. C. ,Chi, Y. C. ,Yen, C. F. ,Chen, Y. Y. | 2024 | Association Between Egalitarian Gender Attitudes and Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage: Findings from a National Representative Survey | Hung, Y. J., Wu, K. C. C., Chi, Y. C., Yen, C. F., & Chen, Y. Y.(2024), Association Between Egalitarian Gender Attitudes and Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage: Findings from a National Representative Survey. Journal of Homosexuality, Published online. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2024.2364227 |
Ying-Ting Wang | 2024 | Coresidence and its Effect on the Life Satisfaction of Unmarried Adults and Their Parents: Evidence from Taiwan | Ying-Ting Wang (2024). Coresidence and its Effect on the Life Satisfaction of Unmarried Adults and Their Parents: Evidence from Taiwan. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 19(2), 581-602. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-023-10254-0 |
趙芳儀 ,余凱倫 | 2023 | 臺灣人民移民海外的意願、原因、與影響因素之變遷 | 趙芳儀、余凱倫(2023)。臺灣人民移民海外的意願、原因、與影響因素之變遷。國立虎尾科技大學學報,37(1),29–52。https://doi.org/10.6425/JNHUST.202303_37(1).0003 |
王惠貞 ,謝銘逢 | 2023 | 動態退休決策與職涯期間之分析 | 王惠貞、謝銘逢(2023)。動態退休決策與職涯期間之分析。人文及社會科學集刊,35(1),155–208。https://doi.org/10.53106/1018189X2023033501005 |
Jia, Z.-X | 2023 | Intergenerational Income Mobility Across Three Generations: The Case of Taiwan | Jia, Z.-X. (2023). Intergenerational Income Mobility Across Three Generations: The Case of Taiwan. The Singapore Economic Review, 1–33. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217590823500273 |
Lin, P. S. | 2023 | The Influence of Non-Spousal Owned Housing on Marital Power and Marital Satisfaction: Gender Differences in Taiwan | Lin, P. S. (2023), Housing transitions of Taiwanese young adults: Intersections of the parental home and housing pathways. Housing Studies, 26(3):299-342. https://www.gssinst.org/irer/2023/11/08/the-influence-of-non-spousal-owned-housing-on-marital-power-and-marital-satisfaction-gender-differences-in-taiwan/ |
Liu, R. K. | 2023 | Role modeling or reciprocity? Dyadic intergenerational transfer analysis of efficacy and support | Liu, R. (2023). Role modeling or reciprocity? Dyadic intergenerational transfer analysis of efficacy and support. Family Relations, 72(3), 1049–1067. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12683 |
Tan, J. | 2023 | Couples’ division of labor and fertility in Taiwan | Jolene Tan. (2023). Couples’ division of labor and fertility in Taiwan. Chinese Sociological Review, 55(2), 181–209. https://doi.org/10.1080/21620555.2022.2084066 |
Thomas, J. ,Rowe, F. ,Lin, E. S. | 2023 | Declining fertility in Taiwan: the deterring impact of housework imbalance | Thomas, J., Rowe, F., & Lin, E. S. (2023). Declining fertility in Taiwan: the deterring impact of housework imbalance. Asian Population Studies, 19(3), 270-288. https://doi.org/10.1080/17441730.2022.2035555 |
Yongjie Wang ,Guowei Wan ,Yao Gu. | 2023 | Consistency and Transformation of Filial Responsibility Attitudes in China: Evidence from Panel Study of Family Dynamics of 2004 and 2017 | Yongjie Wang, Guowei Wan, & Yao Gu. (2023). Consistency and Transformation of Filial Responsibility Attitudes in China: Evidence from Panel Study of Family Dynamics of 2004 and 2017. Journal of Family Issues, 44(2), 315–337. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X211048475 |
Chang, Y. H. | 2023 | Housing transitions of Taiwanese young adults: intersections of the parental home and housing pathways | Yung-Han Chang. (2023). Housing transitions of Taiwanese young adults: Intersections of the parental home and housing pathways. Housing Studies, 38(6), 1027–1049. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673037.2021.1929862 |
Peng, C. ,Wang, J. S. ,Zhu, Y. ,Zeng, Y. | 2023 | The effects of an old-age allowance programme on intergenerational interactions in Taiwan: Heterogeneous effects by adult children’s motives for giving. | Peng, C., Wang, J. S.-H., Zhu, Y., & Zeng, Y. (2023). The effects of an old-age allowance programme on intergenerational interactions in Taiwan: Heterogeneous effects by adult children’s motives for giving. Journal of Social Policy, 52(1), 129–156. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279421000453 |
杜素豪 ,于若蓉 ,洪琮瑋 | 2023 | 追蹤調查中問卷回答品質的混合模式效應 | 杜素豪、于若蓉、洪琮瑋(2023)。追蹤調查中問卷回答品質的混合模式效應。調查研究—方法與應用,51,57-117。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=10281649-N202310280014-00002 |
黃柏鈞 ,黃新亞 | 2023 | 娶妻前,生子後?以家庭動態調查衡量婚姻對勞動市場表現的影響 | 黃柏鈞、黃新亞(2023)。娶妻前,生子後?以家庭動態調查衡量婚姻對勞動市場表現的影響。經濟論文,53(3),277-308。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail/1018161x-N202309260009-00002 |
Chang, C.K. ,Wu, C.L. | 2023 | Results from the Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) 2022 report card on physical activity for children and youth | Chang, C.K., & Wu, C.L. (2023). Results from the Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) 2022 report card on physical activity for children and youth. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 21(1), 6-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesf.2022.10.011 |
Chen, X. ,Hu, L.C. | 2023 | Parental Investment on a Socioeconomic Basis: A Comparative Study of Southeast China and Taiwan | Chen, X., & Hu, L.C. (2023). Parental Investment on a Socioeconomic Basis: A Comparative Study of Southeast China and Taiwan. Chinese Education & Society, 56(2), 141-162. https://doi.org/10.1080/10611932.2023.2251838 |
Tan, J. | 2023 | The trifecta of adulthood: Housing, partnering and childbearing trajectories | Tan, J. (2023). The trifecta of adulthood: Housing, partnering and childbearing trajectories. Advances in Life Course Research, 58, 100577. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcr.2023.100577 |
Henning Silber ,Endre Tvinnereim ,Tobias H Stark ,Annelies G Blom ,Jon A Krosnick ,Michael Bosnjak ,Sanne Lund Clement ,Anne Cornilleau ,Anne-Sophie Cousteaux ,Melvin John ,Gudbjorg Andrea Jonsdottir ,Karen Lawson ,Peter Lynn ,Johan Martinsson ,Ditte Shamshiri-Petersen ,Su-Hao Tu | 2022 | Lack of Replication or Generalization? Cultural Values Explain a Question Wording Effect | Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10(5), 1121-1147 |
Yen-Jong Chen ,Rodney H. Matsuoka ,Hsi-Chuan Wang | 2022 | Intergenerational coresidence living arrangements of young adults with their parents in Taiwan: The role of filial Piety, | Journal of Urban Management, 11(4), 437-449 |
張詠菡 | 2022 | 臺灣中高齡人口與子女同住的 年齡、時期、世代變化 | 人口學刊,64,101-155 |
郭祐誠 | 2022 | 高房價對跨世代間居住安排之影響 | 住宅學報,31(1),63-80 |
林祖嘉 ,李明軒 | 2022 | 擁有房產、代間協助、與社會地位間關係之研究 | 住宅學報,31(1),1-29 |
Yang, F.-A., ,Chang, C.-K. | 2022 | Regular Exercise Is Associated With Better Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Unique Example in Taiwan | Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 34(8), 853-855 |
Tao, H. L. | 2022 | Unemployment only temporarily lowers happiness in an eastern society | Review of Development Economics, 26(3), 1713-1732 |
Tao, H. L., & Cheng, H. P. | 2022 | Parental and Sibling Influence on Study Field Choice: Gender-Stereotypical or Field Preference Transmission | Journal of Asian Economics Forthcoming, 82, 101509 |
Zhang, N., Shaw, D., & Lin, C. Y. | 2022 | Implicit Prices of Job Risk, Climate, and Air Pollution: Evidence from Taiwan | Climate Change Economics, 13(4), 2250007 |
Wang, J.S. ,Cai, Y. ,Gao, Q. | 2022 | How effective are social safety net programs in reducing poverty risks? A comparative study of Taiwan and Southeast China | Journal of Asian Public Policy, 15(3), 338-373 |
于若蓉 ,廖培珊 | 2021 | 同居題項設計:家庭動態調查追蹤資料的研究 | 調查研究—方法與應用,47,7-43 |
Pan, Y. ,Wang, N. | 2021 | The Effects of Changes in Family Social Capital on Health in Taiwan: An Examination of the Mediation Effect of Smoking Behavior | Pan, Y., & Wang, N. (2021). The Effects of Changes in Family Social Capital on Health in Taiwan: An Examination of the Mediation Effect of Smoking Behavior. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 598, 240–244. https://doi.org/10.2991/assehr.k.211122.093 |
Derek T. Tharp ,Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm | 2021 | Examining gender differences in predictors of financial satisfaction: Evidence from Taiwan | Tharp, D. T., Parks‐Stamm, E. J. (2021). Examining gender differences in predictors of financial satisfaction: Evidence from Taiwan. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55(4), 1505–1539. |
許聖章 ,李菁慧 ,謝蕙竹 | 2021 | 台灣三代代間所得流動之探討 | 經濟論文,49(4),651-690 |
Ping‐Yin Kuan ,Ssu‐Chin Peng | 2021 | Time will tell: Revisiting the impact of college expansion on income and occupational prestige mobility of young adults in Taiwan | Higher Education Quarterly, 75(3), 468-486 |
Lin, H. C., Tanaka, A., & Wu, P. S. | 2021 | Shifting from pay-as-you-go to individual retirement accounts: A path to a sustainable pension system | Lin, H. C., Tanaka, A., & Wu, P. S. (2021). Shifting from pay-as-you-go to individual retirement accounts: A path to a sustainable pension system. Journal of Macroeconomics, 69, 103329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmacro.2021.103329 |
Hsu, H. F. | 2021 | Intergenerational persistence in latent socioeconomic status: evidence from Taiwan | The Journal of Economic Inequality, 19, 753-772 |
Tai, T. O. ,Tu, H. C. | 2021 | The Effect of Grandparental Care on Men’s and Women’s Parenting Practices in Taiwan | Journal of Population Ageing, 14, 465-485 |
Hsu, C. Y. ,Wen, C. C. ,Chen, Y. H. | 2021 | Quantile function regression analysis for interval censored data, with application to salary survey data | Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 4, 999-1018 |
許碧峰 | 2021 | 台灣不同世代之終身薪資軌跡 | 經濟論文,49(2),285-319 |
Tobias H. Stark ,Henning Silber ,Jon A. Krosnick ,Annelies G. Blom ,Midori Aoyagi ,Ana Belchior ,Michael Bosnjak ,Sanne Lund Clement ,Melvin John ,Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir ,Karen Lawson ,Peter Lynn ,Johan Martinsson ,Ditte Shamshiri-Petersen ,Endre Tvinnereim ,Ruoh-Rong Yu | 2020 | Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects across Cultures | Sociological Methods & Research, 49(3), 567-602 |
Hsu, Chih-Yuan ,Chen, Yi-Hau ,Yu, Ruoh-Rong ,Hung, Tsung-Wei | 2020 | Assessing Wage Status Transition and Stagnation Using Quantile Transition Regression | The Annals of Applied Statistics, 14(1), 160-177. |
Hu, Teng-Yuan ,Lin, Dong-Long ,Chang, Meng-Shiuh ,Hsu, Ya-Tang | 2020 | The Labor Market Impact of Relative Body Weight in Taiwan–A Semiparametric Analysis | Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 25(1), 99-123. |
Jhang, Fang Hua | 2020 | Changes in trust and trait anxiety: The mediating role of changes in self-rated health among older adults in Taiwan | Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 20(9), 833-838. |
于若蓉 ,陳婉琪 | 2020 | 已婚女性相對收入與家庭滿意度 | 人口學刊,60,1-41。 |
劉蓉果 ,朱瑞玲 | 2020 | 臺灣民衆幸福感變動趨勢:世代、年齡及人格的影響 | 人口學刊,60期,P43-94。 |
曾中信 ,張勝凱 | 2020 | 台灣已婚婦女勞動供給之實證研究-動態非線性追蹤資料模型之應用 | 經濟論文叢刊,48(2),187-220。 |
李明軒 ,陳釗而 ,劉孟奇 | 2020 | 我國房地產價格波動對於創業活動的影響之研究 | 臺灣經濟預測與政策,50(2),95-134。 |
鄭宇翔 ,林軒馳 ,田中敦子 | 2020 | 台灣的年金改革-以總體經濟學角度分析 | 經濟論文叢刊,48(1),1-30。 |
Hung-Lin Tao | 2020 | Gender-role ideology and height preference in mate selection | Hung-Lin Tao. (2020). Gender-role ideology and height preference in mate selection. Economics & Human Biology, 39, 100927. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ehb.2020.100927 |
Patrick Präg ,Seongsoo Choi ,Christiaan Monden | 2020 | The sibsize revolution in an international context: Declining social disparities in the number of siblings in 26 countries | Demographic Research, 43(17), 461-500. |
Fang Hua Jhang | 2019 | Effects of changes in family social capital on the self-rated health and family life satisfaction of older adults in Taiwan: A longitudinal study | Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 19(3), 228-232. |
張詠菡 | 2019 | 臺灣青壯年人口的居住轉換序列分析 | 人口學刊,58,39-87。 |
陶宏麟 ,鄭輝培 | 2019 | 快樂在年齡上的變化:U型的爭辯與臺灣兩性的差異 | 人口學刊,59,35-88。 |
張峰彬 | 2019 | 婚姻狀況與體重變化的性別差異 | 人口學刊,59,1-34。 |
劉千嘉 | 2019 | 高齡親代與中壯子代之經濟依附行為探討:親子與家戶的分析 | 劉千嘉(2019)。高齡親代與中壯子代之經濟依附行為探討:親子與家戶的分析。人口學刊,59,89–129。 https://doi.org/10.6191/JPS.201912_(59).0003 |
Hung-Lin Tao | 2019 | Marriage and Happiness: Evidence from Taiwan | Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(6), p1843-1861. |
陶宏麟 | 2019 | 姓名筆劃數吉凶與運勢 | 經濟論文叢刊,47(3),455-502。 |
Chiu-hua Huang ,Ju-ping Lin | 2019 | Adult children and their boomer parents: The dynamics of intergenerational living arrangement and life events. | Innovation in Aging, 3(Suppl 1), S152–S153. |
Li, W. D. ,Hung, C. Y. | 2019 | Parental Support and Living Arrangements among Young Adults in Taiwan | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 34(1), 219-233 |
關秉寅 ,彭思錦 ,崔成秀 | 2019 | 臺灣高教擴張對年輕世代薪資及職業聲望的影響:反事實的分析 | 人文及社會科學集刊,31(4),555–599 |
黃秋華 ,林如萍 | 2018 | 成年子女與嬰兒潮世代父母的代間經濟支持交換:生命事件的影響 | 人類發展與家庭學報,第19期,頁15-43 |
于若蓉 ,黃奕嘉 | 2018 | 家庭動態調查:樣本結構、問卷內容、資料外釋與應用 | 中國統計學報, 56(4), 98-115 |
Jhang, Fang-Hua | 2018 | Changes in marital status and links to self-rated health: A study of temporal relationships. | The Social Science Journal, 55(2), 87-96. |
Zhang, Yiyun ,Luh, Yir-Hueih | 2018 | Grandparents’ health and family fertility choice: Evidence from Taiwan | China Economic Review, 51, 294-308. |
魯慧中 | 2017 | 性別偏好與出生排序效果: 重新檢視台灣家戶對子女教育資源之配置 | 經濟論文叢刊,第45卷,第4期,頁579-637 |
邱皓政 | 2017 | 多元迴歸的自變數比較與多元共線性之影響:效果量、優勢性與相對權數指標的估計與應用 | 臺大管理論叢,27卷3期(2017/09),65-108 |
Li, William D H ,Huang, Jiou-Wun | 2017 | Housing the Intergenerational Families: Married Couples Coresident with Parents in Taiwan | Journal of Family History, 42(1), 54–66. |
Young-Mi Kim | 2017 | Diversity of Household Employment Patterns in East Asia: A Comparative Study of South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan | Journal of the Korean Welfare State and Social Policy, 1(2), 1-23. |
Ji-Liang Shiu ,Meng-Chi Tang | 2017 | A capable wife: couple’s joint decisions on labor supply and family chores | Empirical Economics, 53(2), 827-851. |
Lin, H. H. | 2017 | Effect of Childbearing on Female Labour Supply: An Empirical Study in Taiwan. | Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 16(1), 47-67. |
Che, S. ,Chen, D. | 2017 | The impact of family difficulties on health trajectory among middle-aged and elderly in Taiwan. | Innovation in Aging, 1(Suppl 1), 1137. |
Hsu, H. C. | 2017 | Parent-child Relationship and Filial Piety Affect Parental Health and Well-being. | Sociology and Anthropology, 5(5), 404-411. |
張育誠 ,黃奕嘉 | 2016 | 誤識與誤視:民眾對勞退新制無感的成因初探 | 勞資關係論叢,18(1):1-34 |
Hung-Lin Tao ,Ching-Chen Yin | 2016 | HEIGHT, PARTNERS AND OFFSPRING: EVIDENCE FROM TAIWAN | Journal of Biosocial Science, 48(5):593-615 |
Lin, Pei-Syuan ,Chang, Chin-Oh ,Foo Sing, Tien | 2016 | Do housing options affect child birth decisions? Evidence from Taiwan | Urban Studies, 53(16), 3527-3546. |
尤智儀 ,李玉春 | 2016 | 縣市生育津貼政策對夫妻生育意願之影響 | 人口學刊,52期,43-79 |
林佩萱 ,張金鶚 | 2016 | 沒有房子不生孩子?買了房子不敢生孩子?購屋對家戶婚後生育時間影響之研究 | 臺灣社會學刊,59期,93-138 |
劉蓉果 ,朱瑞玲 | 2016 | 家庭效能信念的影響與來源 | 中華心理學刊,58卷1期,63-87 |
Shin-Jong Lin | 2016 | Examining the relationship between obesity and wages: Empirical evidence from Taiwan. | The Journal of Developing Areas, 50(2), 255-268. |
Ma, Sen ,Wen, Fangqi | 2016 | Who Coresides With Parents? An Analysis Based on Sibling Comparative Advantage | Demography 53(3):623-647 |
Fengye Sun ,Atsuko Ueda | 2015 | Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in Taiwan | Economics Bulletin, 35(1), 187-197. |
蔡淑鈴 | 2015 | Revisiting Selection in Heterogeneous Returns to College Education | 人文及社會科學集刊第二十七卷第二期(104/6), pp. 323- 360 |
徐敏鐘 ,廖珮如 | 2015 | Financing National Health Insurance: Challenge of Fast Population Aging January 2015 | 經濟論文叢刊,43(2),145-182 |
徐敏鐘 ,廖珮如 | 2015 | Financing National Health Insurance: The Challenge of Fast Population Aging | Hsu, M., & Liao, P.-J. (2015). Financing National Health Insurance: The Challenge of Fast Population Aging. 經濟論文叢刊, 43(2), 145–182. https://doi.org/10.6277/TER.2015.432.1 |
Hung-Lin Tao | 2015 | Reply to comment on Why do women interact with their parents more often than men The demonstration effect vs. the biological effect. | The Social Science Journal, 52(2), 280-282 |
林佩萱 | 2015 | 家戶購屋與生育行為關係:資源排擠與動機刺激 | 住宅學報,第24卷,第1期 ,頁89-115 |
王貞云 ,李玉春 | 2015 | 超額醫療費用對家戶必要消費之衝擊:以飲食支出為例 | 社會政策與社會工作學刊,19卷2期,75-108 |
許碧純 ,邱皓政 | 2015 | 照顧子女的代價:母職對臺灣女性薪資影響的貫時性分析 | 臺灣社會學刊,56期,頁53-113 |
胡名雯 ,詹滿色 | 2015 | 農業創業精神之決定因素:WTO前後之臺灣實證 | 臺灣銀行季刊,66(2):98-121 |
胡志平 | 2015 | 住宅變異性對居住穩定性影響分析 | 應用經濟論叢,98:149-180 |
章英華 ,于若蓉 | 2014 | 家庭結構的持續與變遷─海峽兩岸老年人居住安排的比較 | 社會學研究, 2014.3, 167-188 |
Tao, Hung-Lin | 2014 | Height, weight, and entry earnings of female graduates in Taiwan | ECONOMICS & HUMAN BIOLOGY, Volume 13, March 2014, Pages 85–98 |
Tao, Hung-Lin | 2014 | Why do women interact with their parents more often than men? The demonstration effect vs. the biological effect | Social Science Journal, Volume 51, Issue 3, September 2014, Pages 350–360 |
Kristopher Gerardi ,Yuping Tsai | 2014 | The Effect of Social Entitlement Programmes on Private Transfers: New Evidence of Crowding Out | Economica, 81(324), 721-746 |
Chu, C. Y. Cyrus ,Kim, Seik ,Tsay, Wen-Jen | 2014 | Coresidence With Husband’s Parents, Labor Supply, and Duration to First Birth | Demography, 51(1), 185-204 |
王雪梅 ,章志敏 | 2014 | 台湾民众的性别角色态度及其同期群比较——基于华人家庭动态资料库的数据 | 福建江夏学院学报,4(4),福建江夏学院,76-84. |
于若蓉 ,劉育昇 ,楊孟麗 | 2014 | 面訪員的人格特質是否會影響訪問結果?臺灣面訪追蹤調查的實證研究 | 調查研究,31,89-121。 |
张再明 | 2014 | 孝道观与父子感情间关系之探讨 | 中国家庭教育,4:28-34 |
謝志龍 | 2013 | 從兒子偏好與家庭資源探討手足結構對生育決策的影響 | 人口學刊 ; 47 期 (2013 / 12 / 01) , P35 – 86 |
Young-Mi Kim | 2013 | Dependence on Family Ties and Household Division of Labor in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan | Asian Journal of Women\’s Studies, 19(2), 7-35. |
Tao, Hung-Lin | 2013 | Informational Ambiguity and Survey Bias: Husbands’ and Wives’ Reports on Their Contribution to Their Families | Social Indicators Research, 111(3), 713-724. |
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